26. Juni 2014

Nicholas Winton: "Ein wahrer Held"

Rührende Geschichte eines grandiosen menschlichen Einsatzes in der Nazizeit, der viele Leben rettete. Ein großes Vorbild couragierten Handelns.

What a great example of human action saving lives during the Second World War.

10. Juni 2014

It's heating up in Brazil #naovaitercopa

The Real News report:

Brazilian Military Deployed, Civil Unrest Intensifies Two Days Before World Cup

"The Brazilian government deploys more than 200,000 troops after workers across sectors continue to strike. Amnesty International warns the Brazilian government's response to protests and strikes could lead to indiscriminate violence."

More at The Real News

"We don't like Samba": documentary about social uprisings in Brazil (Trailer)

#naovaitercopa #FIFA2014
With the FIFA men's football world cup about to start cis berlin anounced the relaese of the documentary "We don't like Samba". Hope it comes out really soon on cis berlin's channel

"Não Vai Ter Copa" - "There Will Be No World Cup"

Interessante Veranstaltung am 27. Juni 2014 in Mainz:
Brasilien: Konflikte im Schatten der WM. Ziviler Widerstand abseits der Metropolen

Prozessauftakt in Wien gegen Josef (Filmpiraten)

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