1. September 2010

Global Wave of Action for Education

Hier nun der erste Mobilisierungsclip for die "Global Wave of Action for Education" diesen Herbst (Okt./Nov. 2010) mit cooler Musik von Irie Révoltés' brandneuem Album. Ich freu mich schon auf das Konzert diesen Monat in Marburg. Infos zu den Aktionen und Koordinierung hier. Lasst uns aufstehen für eine weltweite Bewegung!

Here is the first clip to inform about and mobilize for the Global Wave of Action for Education this fall (Oct./Nov. 2010). Be a part of it! Get up, stand up - for a worldwide movement! More info and coordination here.
If you like the music: it's Irie Révoltés, a great band from Heidelberg and Berlin, Germany, singing in French and German, and sometimes English and other languages.

Voici la première vidéo de mobilisation pour la "Global Wave of Action for Education" cet automne (oct./nov. 2010) avec de la bonne musique de Irie Révoltés. Tout le monde debout pour un mouvement mondial!
Mise à jour 12.09.2010: Le clip est maintenant disponible en francais ici!

1 Kommentar:

fabelhaftewelt hat gesagt…

Interesting idea to get rid of the Quebec problem by assimilating the Québécois and protect the "drowning" Anglophone majority while pushing forward economic liberalism.

Quote: "Once the Canadian Capital District is established in order to protect the rights of the West Island Anglophones whose rights are being unconstitutionally trampled by the purely discriminatory, segregationist, xenophobic, and outright bigoted French language laws, then the nation of Quebec can just proceed to pursue whatever Francophone reality or illusion it cares to: Of course within the framework of a supranational union which includes Canada and many other countries."

Also check out the latest comment of the author: "The problem is that the basic reason for the Capital District is to save the Anglophones on the West Island from drowning in a sea of mandated French. If the opposite was happening in a part of English Canada to the French minority, there would be UN intervention!"

Not a tiny bit ridiculous of course...

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