28. Januar 2009

Monty Python's Lumberjack Song

Here is a Monty Python classic: The Lumberjack Song in different versions. Enjoy!

Live at Hollywood Bowl by Eric Idle (Version with papa)

Auf deutsch! Monty Pyton's Lumberjack Song in German

You can also watch the long version with the barber sketch here.

8 Kommentare:

Skinny Dipper hat gesagt…

I love the two versions. The cops remind me of the cigarette police that I met in Ebersbach (Sachsen). They stopped me as I snuck through un-manned pedestrian crossing next to Jirikov, Czech Republic. Their vehicle had Zollpolizei written on it. I told them, "Ich rauche nicht." They checked my bag for cigarettes. I guess they were desperate for a smoke. I told them to go see the Vietnamese vendors on the Czech side.

fabelhaftewelt hat gesagt…

Cool that you like the clips as much as I do.
Interesting story, never been to the Czech border. Did the police follow your advice? ;)

Skinny Dipper hat gesagt…

No, they didn't. I was worried that they were going to deport me back to the Czech Republic which I crossed into without stopping for a passport check.

On my last trip a couple of years ago, I went to Görlitz and Zittau in eastern Germany. To take the train from Görlitz to Zittau, one actually stops at a small train station in Poland. Those who got off the train used to get their passports/identity cards checked, then walked across a pedestrian bridge back to Germany. Now with an expanded Schengen, things have probably changed. After Zittau, I went to Liberec (Reichenberg) in the Czech Republic. I did get my passport stamped in Zittau.

Eastern Germany is getting better compared to 20 years ago. I emjoyed taking the ICE train from Frankfurt to Dresden (1st class). The Czech Republic is getting better also.

Mein deutsch ist nicht so gut. Ich habe ein jahr studieren. Or was that "Ich habe ein jahr in Universität studiert."

The Germans do say "Nee" a lot instead of "Nein" in Zittau. It must be that northern thing.

fabelhaftewelt hat gesagt…

You say "Ich habe ein Jahr studiert" or "Ich habe ein Jahr an der Universität studiert."
Where did you study?
I passed two sessions in Quebec City last year...
In Hessen you can also hear "nee" but more often "net" for nein.

Skinny Dipper hat gesagt…

I went to U. of Western Ontario. I took Poli Sci and had one course in basic German. It was many years ago. The Berlin Wall fell when I took my course.

fabelhaftewelt hat gesagt…

I am studying Political Science right now :)

Skinny Dipper hat gesagt…

I can't believe I studied the politics of West Germany in 1989.

When I visited Berlin in 1991, I took the Reichsbahn train in eastern Germany. There were two sets of transit prices in West and East Berlin depending on which side I was on. Even on a couple of U-Bahn lines that ran north-south from West to East and back to West Berlin, the Wessies got on and stayed on for the whole trip. The Ossies got on in East Berlin and got off in the east. I think much has changed since 1991 when I was there.

fabelhaftewelt hat gesagt…

Berlin has changed a lot since then and it is changing all the time: the city is really moving, there is so much going on, unfortunately not always for the better though. In Eastern Germany not far from the capital there are areas with an unemployment rate of over 30%. So although there has been important progress in some areas the East is still dealing with the destruction of its economy after the fall of the wall.

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