24. Juni 2007

Bericht von der Demo gegen Abschiebehaft

Ich spar mir einen eigenen Demobericht, weil einer bei indymedia veröffentlicht wurde: Abschiebehaft abschaffen.

Es gibt aber Bilder von der Aktion:

Fronttranspi: "Abolish custody pending deportation"

Lauti kurz vor Beginn der Demo

"Close the nightmare camp Lebach - Fight causes of flight, not refugees"

"Against custody pending deportation because
each human being has a right to freedom"

"No deportations: Fight causes of flight, not refugees"

"Mission to Mars: Deport Germany"

"Open Borders * Open Minds - Abolish the deportation regime"

"There has to be an end to it: Never again Fascism"

Buttons sold during the rally saying "Abolish custody pending deportation"

"No Sex with Nazis"

"German citizenship - Don't have it yet, want one now - Get Human Right in this EU country directly - For free for you" (Kind of adbusting: the banner was originally an advertisement for a German chain of hardware stores)

"Kapitalismus wegballern! Deutschland auflösen!"
"Bang/Shoot Capitalism! Close Germany!"

Hinterer Teil der Demo. Rear part of the demonstration.

Boehringer Ingelheim, die Firma, die versucht ein Patent auf AIDS-Medikamente für Kinder in Indien (wo viele Generika zu für Arme erschwinglichen Preisen hergestellt werden) durchzusetzten
(siehe Millionen Kinderleben durch Profitgier bedroht!)
Boehringer, a company trying to get a patent on AIDS drugs for children

"Refugees welcome"

"Open borders for ALL refugees"

"No one is illegal"

"Grenzen zerstören - Gegen jede Autorität"

"Solidarity? Join the Rote Hilfe (working against repression)!"

"They put a scale of wood in my penis... My request for asylum is apparently unfounded - PRO ASYL: The single case counts."

Sign with the official name of the prison:
"Institution for custody pending deportation"

Some children (one with an attac flag) demonstrating in front of
the deportation prison with almost 500 people
(according to the organisers of the demonstration)

Police securing the prison

Flugblatt, das über den Naziaufmarsch am 7.7. in Frankfurt informiert.
Leaflet informing about and mobilizing against the upcoming
Nazi demonstration in Frankfurt.

Nazis morden, der Staat schiebt ab...

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